Brother Beats His Sister’s Abusive Boyfriend and Returns Some Serious Justice in The Park

It is not acceptable for a man to hit a woman or abuse a woman physically. There’s no place or excuse for a man to hit a woman.

Any man who raises his hand against a woman is a contemptible coward who deserves to be derided and reviled in equal measure.

Those cowards who physically abuse a woman deserve to get a taste of their own medicine by someone who is physically stronger than them, unfortunately it rarely happens but not today.

Apparently this man hit his girlfriend, unfortunately for him she has a very protective brother. When the brother finds out that his sister was physically harmed, he spirals into a fit of rage.

He throws punches at the abusive boyfriend when he’s at a bench, and chases him down to tackle him, and continues to assault him with violent punch after violent punch.

The brother finally stops brutalizing the guy, only to force him to apologize to his sister.

The Abusive boyfriend (Probably ex-boyfriend at this point) meekly apologizes as the sister stands by and continues to record the ass-kicking.

I’m against any type of violence but that felt necessary.

Some serious hot street justice got done for woman-beater.

Did this guy deserve the beating?

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Credit: MillionDollarLungsSYBdotENT

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