Blind Man With $50 Asks Strangers For $5 Change. See Who Takes Advantage!

This blind man honesty test is rather upsetting to watch at some points.

There are so human beings who will take advantage over a blind man and it’s depressing. It has been very satisfying when some of these people are confronted and shamed.

The video shows what happens when Adrian plays a blind man and asks for change for a five dollar bill. However, the bill is actually a fifty.

Unlike many things you find on the internet this bit will not make you lose faith in humanity. There is some dickishness, of course. But there are some really nice people doing really nice things here.

I was quite surprised as to the amount of people who basically stole off a blind man, absolutely ridiculous. It’d have been great to see their blurred faces too!

Would you take advantage of a blind person given the opportunity?

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Credit: Adrian Gee

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