This man spent 6 years building a Super Mario Bros map blanket and it’s awesome!

Kjetil Nordin, 31 year-old Norwegian, is a big fan of Super Mario 3. He is such a big admirer that he made a perfect crocheted copy of the Super Mario Bros’s first map on a blanket. This blanket took him nearly 800 hours to finish and 100 balls of yarn. Kjetil even redid a massive section when he realized he had used an imperfect color for a certain part of the map.

Just check it out. It’s really awesome work.

Kjetil Nordin started building this Super Mario Bros map blanket 6 years ago.

He started building this blanket 6 years ago.

He spent 800 hours to complete this awesome blanket.

He spent 800 hours to complete this awesome blanket.

He used 100 balls of yarn to finish this blanket.

He used 100 balls of yarn to finish this blanket.

This blanket is 2.2 meter long and 1.8 meter wide.

This blanket is 2.2 meter long and 1.8 meter wide.

Most of his time was spent on searching for the correct yarn.

Most of his time was spent on searching for the correct yarn.

At one point Kjetil realized he had picked the wrong color. So he had to undo all of it. That took an extra week.

At one point Kjetil realized he had picked the wrong color. So he had to undo all of it. That took an extra week.

During those six years, he also won the Norwegian Sky Diving team championship two times.

During those six years, he also won the Norwegian Sky Diving team championship two times.

He earned two university degrees and started a career.

He earned two university degrees and started a career.

And even made smaller crochet figures for his family.

And even made smaller crochet figures for his family

It “hasn’t taken all of my time. You get a bit sick of such long lasting projects.”

It hasn’t taken all of my time. You get a bit sick of such long lasting projects.

For next project, “I can’t rush it. I’ll have a break, and think for a while”.

For next project, 'I can’t rush it. I’ll have a break, and think for a while'.


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