This Big Thug Insults The Queen’s Guard And Regrets It Immediately!

Queen’s guards protect Royal residences throughout the England.

With their distinctive red coats and long black hats, the troops are often the ultimate attraction for tourists to the UK, their debonair attire not really making them appear that frightening.

They stand still for hours, but that doesn’t make them any less humans. They should be treated with respect and given their space.

But often tourists find it their birth right to abuse their privacy and mock them publicly.

Yet the Queen’s Guard have begun to fight back at tourists not taking them seriously: just a few weeks after footage emerged of a photographer being barged into by troops as he stood in their way, a lone Guardsman has now scared off a pestering tourist in a video that will hopefully go a long way in ensuring Her Majesty’s bodyguards get a bit more respect.

I for one, could not understand: why people do that? Does that make them free superior to a person who is just trying to do his job?

I am really glad to watch this and I hope people learn a little bit from this.

Never upset a Queen’s guard.

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Credit: Trollstation

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