This Four-year-old James, aka Action Movie Kid, is back, and this time he must save his baby sister from a ferocious shark that has taken over the living room. The new video shows the boy bravely fighting the animated shark with couch cushions, and luckily Action Movie Mom is there to save the day … or does she?
Action Movie Kid was created by DreamWorks animator Daniel Hashimoto. The videos show his son James playing in different situations, to which Hashimoto adds special effects. Past episodes of Action Movie Kid show the pintsize superhero disappearing into puddles, fighting with lightsabers and flying away on the Dumbo ride at the Magic Kingdom.
The Web series is on its way to the big screen. Fox bought the rights for the feature film, and while no plot has been released yet, according to, the film is being pitched as “a fantasy combining elements from Night at the Museum, Peter Pan, The NeverEnding Story and Jumanji.”