This Bully Repeatedly Punching Blind Kid in The Face and Regrets It Immediately!

What would you do if you find out that your child is bullying a blind kid at school? Would you not be outraged by this? How much of a big coward do you have to be to pick on a blind kid?

A California teen slammed a bully to the ground for punching a blind student — then he was suspended by the school administration for violence.

As reported to local police, the visually impaired boy was walking past the suspect during lunch at Huntington Beach High School when this dumb punk began pummeling him in the face.

Then Cody Pine, 17, noticed this blind kid being attacked and quickly intervened. He knocked this bully straight to the ground with one swift punch.

Later police arrested this heartless teen bully.

But Pine was suspended for his courageous actions because of the school’s “zero tolerance policy for violence,” but a petition demanding that he be let back in school has already been signed by more than 30,000 supporters around the world.

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Credit: Wise Planet

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