This Is Riley, and She Is About to Do Something So Awesome You Won’t Believe It’s Real. But It Is!

Anyone who has ever seen me shoot some b-ball outside the school knows that the hardwood is not exactly my forte.

And as if basketball shots weren’t hard enough, imagine how impressed I was when I saw Riley’s trick shots. No, she’s not shooting a basketball into a hoop – she’s doing something way, way better and way, way harder.

Not only is Riley, a 6-year-old from Melbourne, Australia, totally adorable. But she has some mad skills. She and her dad work together to document her awesome trick shots, making the awesomest father-daughter videos.

Riley took a quite a few tries to get each one of these right, and she and her dad keep an attempt-counter on Youtube, but that doesn’t make this any less impressive!

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Credit: Riley Diary

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