This Dude Surprising Everyone By His Awesome Halloween Costume And He Totally Nailed It!

Artists love Halloween as much as the rest of us, but some artists really don’t hold back when it comes to creative Halloween costumes. Of course, when it comes to getting dressed up for the spooky date, these creative minds have a whole lot of creativity on their hand to make sure their vision comes to life.

YouTube Vlogger, Jesse Wellens and filmmaker Casey Neistat came up with the cool Halloween costume idea a few weeks ago after a lot brainstorming. Jesse Wellens dressed as the popular thief-to-prince, Disney character Aladdin riding on his red, magic carpet by giving his booster board a makeover to complete the look.

This video plays a re-mix of Disney’s song, “A Friend Like Me” in the background while Wellens rides through the busy streets of Manhattan. The duo’s goal was to put a smile on everyone’s face and looks like they’ve accomplished their mission because their video has gone viral since it was posted.

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Credit: PrankvsPrank

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