His Cruel Owner Left Him Out in The Storm. but Then a Brave Neighbor Does This

“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.” M.K. Clinton

This dog’s owner apparently does not feel that way.

A pet is a common feature in most homes. In America, about 78.2 million dogs have been adopted. That is nearly 37%-47% homes that have a dog. This is a significant figure.

Research states that only 1 out of every 10 dogs finds an adoptive home. Most shelters kill approximately 2.7 million dogs and cats each year due to the lack of space and adoptive homes.

A survey conducted in 2013 shows that animals have outnumbered children in the United States. The two other animal loving countries that follow the United States closely is United Kingdom and Italy.

Having a pet at home, especially dogs are proven to be stimulating for their caregivers. Seniors who require long-term care are comparatively more responsive to therapy involving animals. Pets also help in the emotional development of the individual.

People treat their dogs like family members, clearly not in this case. This video shows the lack of proper care and complete negligence on the part of the owner. Most states in America have laws in place to remove an animal from the care of the owner, in the event of negligence or cruelty.

Owning a dog may be simple but taking care of it comes with hard work. They need to be looked after, provided food, shelter, and even routine trips to the vet. A dog is not just an ornament on your shelf!

Thanks to this brave woman, the dog did not have to suffer in the storm.

Would you do this to help a four-legged friend in need?

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Credit: Casey Boatman

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