After Watching This Touching Video, You’ll Never Look at Death the Same Way Again!

If there is only one certain thing in life then it is death, and that the life will end one day. Death is inevitable. Death is something we all must face — no exercise or diet regimen, no meditation techniques, no amount of money can avoid it. It is the great equalizer. Knowing that is perhaps the defining feature of the human condition. And, as far as we know, we alone are capable of contemplating the prospect of our demise.

All living things in our universe will die one day and the only control we have over this is to decide how we reach at the end of our journey and we die. Although, only few lucky ones among us, get there in an honorable way.

Watch this incredibly powerful and touching video by Dr. Allan Watts about the acceptance of death. This short video will definitely changed how you view death. It’s simply brilliant.

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Credit: Life Eternal

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