Watch Why This Girl’s Rant Against ‘Radical Islamists’ And US President Obama Is Going Viral

This is probably the first time you will hear about this beautiful girl, Tomi Lahren, who is really very upset at ‘Radical Islamists‘ and the way US President Barak Obama has handled the situations of attacks on Americans at their own land.

Radical Islamism is a worldwide problem now and the whole world is paying the price for it. As now, Radical Islamists, have brought the fight right on American soil, Tomi Lahren, TV host of One America News Network’s On Point with Tomi Lahren, delivers a punchy speech calling out Obama’s apparently misguided priorities.

Tomi Lahren, who herself comes from a family of marines, said: “Radical Islam is becoming the rule not the exception – yesterday’s moderate is today’s terrorist“. Lahren is seen thrusting her cue sheet off the table in visible frustration at the end of the programme.

She has some really good points! Just watch!

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Credit: On Point with Tomi Lahren

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