She Was Scaling Her Decapitated Fish When the Fish Came Back to Life Again

I always thought once you are dead, you are dead. There is nothing more for you in this mortal world. I never believed in life after death. Afterlife always seemed like an artificial idea to me that some people try to sell to you for their own profit or personal gain. Well, luckily I am not one of those person who gets fooled very easily and I kind of proud myself for that.

But after watching this video, I’m a whole new person and I am totally surprised just by looking at it. It seems that the dead fish came back to life after being dead and cut into many small pieces. I still don’t think it is possible and there will be a logical explanation to this but this dead fish made me really furious.

Can you imagine trying to get dinner ready… and seeing this happen to dead fish before your very eyes? I’m shocked that this is even possible. No wonder why this video went viral!

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Credit: Ed Cupp

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