My Whole Life I Never Knew What That Extra Shoelace Hole Is for Until I Saw THIS!

“Build a tepee, come inside. Close it tight so that we can hide…”

Yep, you guessed it! It’s a shoelace song!

One of those things you can’t wait to forget as a child but still find yourself humming it, even as an adult.

Learning to tie my shoelaces seemed to be one of the hardest tasks when I was a kid.

How was I meant to navigate two pieces of rope into loops, wrapping them around one another, and pulling them tight to make a bow… with only two hands!?

Also aware that if I didn’t tie them correctly, I would trip and fall flat on my face in front of the entire grade while getting off the morning school bus. That’s a lot of pressure for a five year old!

So, after all, that dramatic stress and trauma growing up, along with puberty and prom night, sports brands have decided to let us relive the misery, for old time’s sake.

But this time, learning how to re-tie your shoelaces will be beneficial for your ankles, and is particularly good for those who frequently get blisters on the back of their heels.

Watch this short video to take a trip down memory lane and find out exactly what that mysterious extra shoelace hole on your new trainers is all about!

No addictive sing-along-songs included! I promise!

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Credit: Illumiseen

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