Watch The Evolution of Bras Through Every Fashion Era in History in 3 Minutes

The bra has come a long way since its inception. From the era when corsets overstayed their welcome, to the time Madonna resurrected the conical bullet bra, bras have gone through multiple transitions, and each one for the better.

Bras have changed in shape, style, and comfort throughout history, and in most cases reflect the era they existed in. For instance, in the Roman era, when bigger breasts weren’t looked at favourably, bras were used to minimise the size of breasts, which is in stark contrast to the 1950’s conical bras that accentuated nipples under a woman’s clothes.

The video details some of the biggest trends and innovations in bra design, giving tidbits about each one along the way. Watch the complete history and evolution of bras, along with fascinating bra trivia through the ages in this video. Every era’s bra speaks about the prevalent culture and tradition, even the bra burning phase, for that matter.

And finally “Future Bra“, probably a bra for robots.

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Credit: Glamour Magazine

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