This Idiot Provoking Bull With Flaming Horns Got More Than He Bargained For!

This is the living proof captured on camera that there are people in our society who haven’t evolved much since the days of Stone Age, not even a single bit. Our society has evolved and we have advanced technology so much that we are able to send our spaceship on Mars or even on Pluto but the level at this man has, will put everything else on shame.

This idiot Spanish guy got himself into a bullfighting arena and taunted a bull whose horns were on fire. As expected by most of us, there is no way, this is going to end well for him but I guess he has some other expectation out of this. I don’t understand one thing, what exactly he was trying to do. Is he asking this bull out for a date? Apart from all that, I will give him full credit for being a genuine idiot and for his ability to think positive under very tough situation.

As we were expecting, this did not go so well, at least for him! Apparently, he could not handle so much fun he was hoping for and will probably stay in bed for very long time. We wish him luck for his future endeavors.

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