Woman Was Judged for Breastfeeding in Public, So She Decided to Do THIS!

Breastfeeding a newborn or breast nursing is nothing new to looks at.

Mother’s milk is the best thing for a baby, and it’s good for mother’s health, too. Although baby breastfeeding is a very natural thing to do but sometimes our society does not approve the practice in public because our society relates this to public female toplessness.

Breastfeeding in public is not addressed by law in most of the countries and recognized as a legal right of a woman to breastfeed a child in public and in workplaces.

Even though it is legal, social and cultural acceptance of breastfeeding in public is questionable and often mothers are reluctant to breastfeeding in public due to other people’s objections to the practice.

In past, there have been a number of incidents reported in the media where the owners of establishments or their customers have objected to or forbid baby breastfeeding.

Most of the times mothers choose to avoid further attention and just leave the place, but some mothers have responded with protests or, if the practice is permitted by law, have taken legal action.

This video focuses on the social acceptance of breastfeeding a newborn baby in public.

The woman destroys the critics who judge a woman for breasting a child in public.

Watch this and let us know what you think. Has it forced you to change your perception towards woman breastfeeding a child in public?

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Credit: Kristina Kuzmic

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