This Man Keeps Beating The Beggar Who Sleeps In Front Of His Store Until He Learns The Truth…

Often, we judge a person based on his appearance, especially when the person is homeless.

We have no respect for a homeless guy, and we take pride in calling him names and feel free to shout/yell at him whenever we please.

Our society’s general perception of a homeless person or a beggar is that they are bad, without any doubt, and that they are the cancer of our community. That’s why we don’t want them anywhere near us.

Why? Because they are not as much privileged as we are. We are fortunate enough to have clean clothes on our back and have good hot food on our table, three times a day.

In this digital age, when the world is changing so far and reaching new heights of humanity, we still have many poor people living on footpaths and sidewalks.

On one side, we are building massive skyscrapers every year but on the other hand, we are also increasing the population of slums at a much more faster rate.

The following video will touch your heart. It addresses the problem in a unique way.

The motto of the video is, if you judge people, you have no time to love them. This video brought me to tears! I hope someone learns from it and stop judging a book by its cover.

Watch and share with everyone you know. Let’s spread some compassion and humanity.

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Credit: Vizer

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