Her Newborn Baby Died During Birth but She Refused to Let Him Go. Two Hours Later, a Miracle Happened

Modern medicine often works wonders, but an Australian mom now knows firsthand the true miracle that can come from a mother’s touch.

Kate Ogg and her husband David were trying for a baby for several years, and finally the good news came – Kate was expecting twins! At 27 weeks, she was told she was going into labor early.

After the birth, the doctor said her son, whom the couple had named Jamie, didn’t make it.

Kate Ogg was told her newborn son Jamie had died after efforts to resuscitate the premature infant had failed shortly after his birth.

But when Kate was given the chance to say goodbye to the apparently lifeless baby, she and her husband, David, found they were instead saying hello to the newest member of their family.

She immediately took the baby and started warming him with her body heat.

What happened next was close to a miracle. If I haven’t seen the news, I would not believe it myself.

What an astounding story and inspirational testimony to never give up!

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Credit: howlifebegan

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