12 street art show the Greece financial crisis from the eyes of graffiti artists

The Greek economy used to be one of the largest and fastest growing economy in the whole Europe but right now Greece is facing extreme credit distress. Greece financial crisis, in simple terms, Greece owes a lot of money that it doesn’t have, and it is being pressured to agree to terms it doesn’t like in order to get the money it needs.

Graffiti in Athens used to be all about football, politics or teenage crushes. But now, most of the Graffiti on walls are serious work inspired by the country’s financial and social crisis. Over the past five years of Greece’s economic depression, more and more paintings comment on the Greece financial crisis and social woes. Now, it’s hard to find a building, private or public, whose walls are not blighted by black, red, blue (that’s usually the neo-Nazis) or silver spray-paint.

Graffiti inspired by Greece financial and social crisis

A stencil depicting German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a Disney character in Athens.

Greece financial crisis - A stencil depicting German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a Disney character in Athensimage source: Petros Giannakouris

“CRISIS.. what else?” Graffiti work by Greek street artist Bleeps in Athens.

Greece financial crisis - 'CRISIS.. what else?' Graffiti work by Greek street artist Bleeps in Athensimage source: Petros Giannakouris

Graffiti titled “0 Euro” by street Artist Achilles in Athens.

Greece financial crisis - Graffiti titled '0 Euro' by street Artist Achilles in Athensimage source: Petros Giannakouris

Graffiti made by street artist EX!T and on the left, by N_Grams.

Greece financial crisis - Graffiti made by street artist EX!T and on the left, by N_Gramsimage source: Petros Giannakouris

“I have changed, I don’t take drugs anymore or go to parties, but Europe just won’t grow up.”, artwork by street artist Cacao Rocks.

Greece financial crisis - 'I have changed, I don't take drugs anymore or go to parties, but Europe just won't grow up.', artwork by street artist Cacao Rocksimage source: Petros Giannakouris

A banknote resembling a U.S. dollar bill by street artist N_Grams in Athens.

Greece financial crisis - A banknote resembling a U.S. dollar bill by street artist N_Grams in Athens.image source: Petros Giannakouris

“Athena vs Europa, Resist vs Submit” by French street artist Goin at the Athens School of Fine Arts.

Greece financial crisis - 'Athena vs Europa, Resist vs Submit' by French street artist Goin at the Athens School of Fine Artsimage source: Petros Giannakouris

Graffiti artwork titled “5€” by street artist Wild Drawing in Athens.

Greece financial crisis - Graffiti artwork titled '5€' by street artist Wild Drawing in Athensimage source: Petros Giannakouris

“I Need Job, Not Speech” by an artist who uses the name Wild Drawing.

Greece financial crisis - 'I Need Job, Not Speech' by an artist who uses the name Wild Drawingimage source: Petros Giannakouris

A mural about the Greek financial crisis in Athens.

Greece financial crisis - A mural about the Greek financial crisis in Athensimage source: Petros Giannakouris

“Keep Away”, a stencil work by artist Wild Drawing.

Greece financial crisis - 'Keep Away', a stencil work by an artist who uses the name Wild Drawingimage source: Petros Giannakouris

“Death of Euros” by French street artist Goin at the Athens School of Fine Arts.

Greece financial crisis - 'Death of Euros' by French street artist Goin at the Athens School of Fine Artsimage source: Petros Giannakouris

“Free Greece from the European prison” by unknown artist.

Greece financial crisis - 'Free Greece from the European prison' by unknown artist

Street artist iNO painted “System of a Fraud”, which shows Solon, founder of Athenian democracy.

Greece financial crisis - Street artist iNO painted 'System of a Fraud', which shows Solon, founder of Athenian democracy

“One-euro coin” by unknown artist.

Greece financial crisis - 'One-euro coin' by unknown artist

“Greece vs. Everybody” by unknown artist.

Greece financial crisis - 'Greece vs. Everybody' by unknown artist

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