Everyone Ignored This Horribly Hurt Cat, but This Guy Decided to Rescue Him!

This is an amazing story of a brave young man, who was trying to rescue a horribly hurt cat.

Few weeks ago Reddit user HoneyFlowers saw a tragic scene of what appeared to be a cat that had been horribly hurt.

Stopping only to take a few photos along the way, the brave Redditor approached the wounded feline with the intention of helping it.

However, much to HoneyFlowers’ surprise, the cat wasn’t hurt at all—it was just napping on some dried paint!

“Saw this cat bleeding out”

Saw this cat bleeding out

“[so I] ran to it’s rescue”

Ran for rescue

“It was just dried red paint”

It was just dried red paint

“Smug bastard”

Smug bastard

Credits: Reddit

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