Genius Baby Is Already an Expert at Problem Solving. You’ll Be Mighty Impressed!

What does babies usually do when they wants to get off the high bed when their feet don’t touch the ground? They makes a work-around, of course. And this baby is nobody’s fool.

This “genius” baby has figured out the trick to getting off the bed in a safe manner, and it’s pretty impressive. Instead of attempting a dangerous climb off the bed, this kid prevents a potentially tumultuous topple by cleverly piling up pillows, creating a soft and cushy escape.

The proud California dad shared this video of his “genius” baby son cushioning his dismount from an adult’s bed by putting down a layer of pillows. Watch as the toddler tosses pillows on the floor, making somewhat of a makeshift staircase for himself.

This kid’s got a bright future ahead.

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Credit: Francisco Aguilar

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