This Teacher Was Harassed About His Job in Front of guests… He Had The Best Response for Him!

Teaching, once a revered profession, has of late been much maligned. Teachers are accused of laziness and greed. They’re blamed for low test scores, and a general decline in the nation’s educational standing.

Most people believe their work day is short and their vacations are long. But teachers also have their defenders — perhaps none so passionate as Taylor Mali.

Mali was once a full time teacher.

Mali points to an unfortunate encounter with an obnoxious lawyer at a party when he was asked “What Do Teachers Make?”.

We need more teacher like Taylor Mali in our country to guide and discipline the kids of today. Whenever he gets harassed about his job, he tells them right off and puts in them in their place.

This man is out to truly make a difference and change the world. I got chills listening to him.

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Credit: TeachingChannel

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