This is what happens when you accidentally text your parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Nathan Fielder, the star and co-creator of the funniest shows on television, Comedy Central’s “Nathan For You,” sent out a tweet to his 30,000 twitter followers asking them to prank their parents by sending them a tweet pretending to be a drug dealer and selling weed. And the results are as good and as painful as you’d imagine.

Nathan Fielder from Nathan For You

This is all started with just one tweet. This one.

Nathan Fielder's twitter experimentimage source: @nathanfielder

And all of Nathan’s followers started sending these messages to their parents.

And the results were… WTF!

Text parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Message parents pretending to be a drug dealer

SMS parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Text parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Message parents pretending to be a drug dealer

SMS parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Text parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Message parents pretending to be a drug dealer

SMS parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Text parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Message parents pretending to be a drug dealer

SMS parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Text parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Message parents pretending to be a drug dealer

SMS parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Text parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Message parents pretending to be a drug dealer

SMS parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Text parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Message parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Source: @nathanfielder

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